Lockdown Retail - COVID-19


As of 23rd March 2020, the UK has gone into lockdown, resulting in all non-essential shops to close for the foreseeable future.

Here at Tasman, as Coronavirus was the topic of most people’s conversation around the world, we watched as the implications for the retail analytics industry commenced.  We watched each Country close up their retail shops, centres and outlets, as the footfall dropped to zero customers. As country by county shut down, the heart and soul of the towns and cities shut down across the globe. The UK followed the same fate on the 23rd March 2020. Our clients, their customers along with ourselves, never saw this unprecedented crisis coming, but here we are enduring lockdown life together. Who knows how long each country will have to endure this and when we can see our client's fabulous centres and stores reopen. But for now, we all have to do our bit to keep everyone safe.